“I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Everyday we awake with the knowledge that we live in a country that is free. The ability to chase your dreams, careers, fortune and happiness. “Living the life” is the mantra we follow. Buying the dream house, picking the right schools for our children to attend, Sunday barbeques and rooting for our favorite teams is what the American dream is all about. Such is the life for a good friend of mine who served in the US Navy, Coast Guard and National Guard.
For the love of God, country and family, he served with conviction and integrity. He has passed on those ideals to his children with his eldest son now serving in the US Coast Guard. As life would have it, now he is passing on life lessons to his youngest son who is now beginning kindergarten. It was August 21, 2018, the second day of the school year in Grand Prairie, Texas. Expecting parents had driven to school to pick up their children when classes were dismissed. The Veteran and I have known each other for 37 years and regularly check in with each other, “I can’t believe how many cars are here!” he remarked. He noticed a parking space opening up and quickly pulled in. He put me on hold so that he could receive his son but when he returned I sensed that there was something wrong. “What is going on? Did something happen today?” His question was curious so I pressed him to elaborate, “What does it mean when the US flag is hanging upside down? They have the flag upside down on the flagpole! Am I the only person who noticed this?” Before I could reply he informed me that he was heading inside with his son to find out why?
After a few minutes he called me back and informed me that the school official he spoke to gave no explanation and no action was being taken to fix it. At that moment he broke down and began to cry. His young son asked his dad, “Daddy, why you cryin’?” It was the first time I had ever heard my good friend display that kind of emotion. “Don’t they realize what they have done?” His voice was weak. He snapped a picture, sent it to me and then asked to say something about it.
Proverbs 26:1 KJV — As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.
According to the official US Flag Code that was approved by Congress… ”§ 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. Most individuals who have served in military service of our nation should recognize this signal.”
Apparently this was not the case at the elementary school in Grand Prairie, Texas. The name of the school has been withheld in the hope that this action with the flag was an honest mistake, regardless, the flag had been displayed all day with no one mentioning the mistake. Given the recent uproar over the NFL players protest and other displays of discontent over racial violence, one has to wonder if this is the start of more division in our country. The flag being displayed upside down has happened before with 8 reported incidents around the country.
There are many who believe that the US Flag represents bigotry and racism at it’s worst but yet offer no alternative for a replacement. Historians, veterans and many Americans believe that the US Flag represents freedom and the ideals of a nation that embraces liberty and justice for all.
“I felt that what I saw at the school was like a slap in the face,” the US veteran reiterated, “There have been too many who have sacrificed and have lost their lives defending the nation the flag represents. What are we teaching our children? Someone should have recognized the mistake instead of acting like they didn’t care.” concluded The seasoned veteran.
Living in a country that others are quick to criticize and slow to praise for the good it does cannot be easy but after 242 years of existence you think we should have learned by now. The road for truth is narrow and only through Jesus can we find the way to the solutions we are looking for. The US Flag represents the freedom we live under and it’s also what other developing nations hope to achieve. We must give honor to those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
Thank you to all our veterans and especially my good friend for your service to our nation. God bless you and your families.
Matthew 5:9 KJV — Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
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