The Wave Newsletter #1


“The Wave”

Newsletter – Issue #1

TopicalWave.Com, LLC.

Spreading The Wave of Compassion In All The World!

Witnessing the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 in these perilous times.

Acts 2:17 NKJV — ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

TopicalWave.Com is where you can find out what is happening around the world with a biblical and objectionable point of view.

“Without the ‘Truth’ there is no Salvation.”

In a world filled with “fake news” and hyper-sensationalism, the Truth is an element that is hard to grasp in this age of turmoil. We here at the TopicalWave.Com are dedicated to seeking the Truth we find in Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of God.

After 35 years working with CBS, ABC, NBC and FOX, also owning and operating a TV station in South Carolina, we saw the need and heard the call of God to speak the Truth by using Scripture as His voice of reason.

We pray that the articles and video presentations we provide will inspire and encourage you to have a closer relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Over 65 countries have been blessed by the TopicalWave.Com as we have reported on the events and issues around the world and how they are related to the Bible. Catch the Wave and join us on this Journey.

Featured Articles

Fooling Themselves

Published on August 1, 2019

It’s so easy to believe any answer the world is willing to give. Maybe we should be asking, “Are we in control of our own destiny and if not, who? Is this a question of what we believe?

A Troubling Forecast

Published on July 29, 2019

Why does chaos rule the day? We long for the “good ol’ days” but revisionists say that those “days” were filled with hate, corruption and racism. In all nations of the world you will find that nothing’s ever perfect. We turn on the TV and what do we see?

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TopicalWave.Com, LLC

TopicalWave.Com is thankful for the prayers and loving support you have given as we follow the Lord’s Commission to preach the Gospel in all the world. If the Lord places in your heart to help us with a donation so that we can reach those in need for peace and Salvation that Jesus Christ provides, correspond with us at:

P.O. Box 332

Brooks, Georgia (GA) 30205

Donations and Prayer Request are Always Accepted

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TopicalWave.Com, LLC