The Terror Next Door

Psalm 121:3-5 NKJV — He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand.

 Courtesy of Reuters




The Passover season had passed and it was the end of the Sabbath on April 27, 2019, when violence erupted between Gaza and Israel. Gaza militants fired hundreds of rockets into southern Israel, killing at least four Israelis and bringing life to a standstill across the region in the bloodiest fighting since a 2014 war. Terrorists began the attack on southern Israel firing more than 600 rockets in 72 hours.  Red Alert alarms warning residents to go to protected areas sounded from morning until night in southern Israel, along the coast and at one point as far north as Beit Shemesh, 20 miles outside Jerusalem. 




Courtesy of Reuters




A rocket slammed into a house near Ashkelon, causing damage but no injuries as the residents were able to take shelter before the rocket hit. Israel quickly responded. The nation’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system intercepted dozens of rockets and struck back targeting more than 120 Hamas and Islamic Jihad sites by air and tank. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also said it had destroyed a Palestinian Islamic Jihad tunnel from the air that crossed under the border from Gaza into Israel.  According to a statement, the purpose of the tunnel was to carry out terror attacks inside Israel. 




Courtesy of AP




Psalm 121:4-6 NKJV — Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.



Courtesy of AP




The attacks come as no surprise since tension between the Israelis and Hamas have escalated over the control of the Gaza Strip. The rocket attacks have now put more than one million Israelis within range of their indiscriminate weapons of terror designed to kill, maim and terrify the people Hamas has pledged in its founding charter to destroy. The question being asked is how can Israel stop these deadly attacks without a massive incursion into the heart of Gaza?  It’s a daunting prospect to send thousands of troops into one of the most dangerous urban settings on the planet with its booby traps, honeycombed tunnels, and well-armed adversaries. 




Courtesy of AP




Just days away, Israel will be marking Memorial Day and then celebrating its 71st Independence Day. Soon thereafter Tel Aviv will host Eurovision, one of the most prestigious talent shows in the world.  With Israel’s coastal city within range of Hamas rockets, it presents a way Hamas could hold this event hostage. Given these dire circumstances, “Intercessors for Israel” sent out an Emergency Prayer Alert about the escalation with Gaza as Israel stands “at the brink of war with the terrorists running Gaza.” It provides key points for prayer and a roadmap to intercede for Israel’s leaders, their people and their military as well as those innocent civilians in harm’s way inside Gaza: 




 Pray for the Security Cabinet, the IDF General Staff and especially PM and Défense Minister Netanyahu that they will have God’s tactics and strategy for the battle.
 Tactics: how to fight the day to day battles.
 Strategy: putting together the proper tactics to produce the desired end of war results.
 Pray for them to have God’s timing and if it is the time that they would not hesitate to do what needs to be done, Eurovision or not. It is assumed by many in Israel, that Israel is holding back because of the upcoming “Eurovision” song extravaganza to be held in Tel Aviv next week. Many of the participating groups are already in Tel Aviv with more arriving daily. The finale will be May 18, 2019.
 Pray for the protection and success of the IDF soldiers who will be involved.
 Pray for the protection of civilians on both sides.




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Prayer is essential for Israel and the region. Many countries including the United States are keeping a close observation on this crisis in the hopes that both sides can come to a peaceful solution. We have featured Psalm 121 throughout this article to remind us and those who love Israel that if we and the people of Israel call upon God, that He never slumbers and will always be the protector of His people and of Israel; 




Psalm 121:7-8 NKJV — The LORD shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.



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