Revival in America:


An Outpouring in Roswell, Georgia.



Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


Acts 2:17-18 NKJV — ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,

That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,

Your young men shall see visions,

Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days;

And they shall prophesy.


Atlanta, Georgia


Atlanta, Georgia – The 9th largest metropolitan area in the United States is known for its rich history, traditions, and diversity. Having the reputation of a modern, progressive city with a southern charm, it has helped the city prosper in recent decades, but lately, it has also shown that it is not immune to the tension and struggles that have plagued the United States in the spring and summer of 2020.


Roswell, Georgia


Located just 22 miles north of Atlanta is the city of Roswell, Georgia. In a country filled with tension and unrest, Roswell has become the host of a very special move of God. A Holy Ghost, life changing Revival is taking place at World Harvest Church, pastored by Mirek and Linda Hufton.


Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


TopicalWave.Com had the honor and opportunity to interview Pastor Mirek Hufton and wanted to know why Revival is so important in this troubled time?


Pastor Mirek Hufton


TopicalWave: In the current troubles our nation is facing, why is it so important for revival?


Pastor Mirek Hufton: The root of all our nation’s troubles is spiritual. The powers of darkness are loosed upon our people and the greatest power is the power of deception. Through deception, emotions get pushed in a negative way, so hatred, strife and bitterness are loosed like a poisonous river. Revival answers the need head on…men and women need a transformation of their heart. The beauty of the gospel is that Jesus can change hearts and bring about new life. Revival begins with the people of God. We must turn our hearts toward God in a deeper commitment, consecration, and a new level of obedience.


Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


TW: Why is it important for people to have a relationship and a closer walk with Jesus?


Pastor Hufton: “Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there’s no other. Jesus is the way.” That’s a line to a song, but it so aptly puts the truth out there. Only Jesus can break the power of the devil over the lives of human beings. He made it possible for each person to have a relationship with God the Father through His sacrifice on the cross. He destroyed the barrier that separates man from God…sin. He bore the penalty of sin on His own body on the tree and there is an open door to have divine relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son.


The closer we get with Jesus, the more the anointing of God will rest upon us and the bolder we’ll be for Christ and the greater the flow the gifts of the Spirit will be through us. We need to draw near to God. If we draw near to God, we’ll be more filled with Him. Filled with His love and then empowered to change a hurting world.


Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


TW: We understand that you and your church staff have been working with leaders in the Atlanta Metro area during the COVID-19 and the race tension crisis. How has the response been from the community?


Pastor Hufton: To begin with, we are a cross cultural church with 60+ nations in attendance, so racial reconciliation is a major issue. Bringing people together by talking through the issues is one of the major strategies in our church. It has to be addressed. We address it from the pulpit, pass out materials that respond to questions such as special books and host panel discussions. These discussions are a two-way dialogue between the audience and the participating panelists. They’ve included Q and A’s and have brought out many viewpoints on this subject. It’s so important. We must begin to talk.


We’re learning how to first listen and then learn, increasing our love for one another and allowing the Holy Spirit to heal our brokenness making us truly one in Him.


Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


TW: How long has the revival been and will it continue?


Pastor Hufton: Revival began the first Sunday in June and it’s still ongoing. How long it will go is left up to the Holy Spirit, but it truly has been a wonderful time of weekly meetings. Currently, we host 5 services a week.


Pastor Linda Hufton


TW: What is the Lord’s message during this time of revival?


Pastor Hufton: The purpose of revival is for us to draw closer to God. It’s about letting go of things that get in our way and growing a true relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s about dropping weights and sins and picking up our level of obedience before the Lord. It’s about pressing, pressing, pressing into His presence to find His love – allowing Him to do a deep work in our hearts. God truly wants to bring revival, but we must prepare our hearts to receive what He wants to give out. It’s all about us positioning ourselves to receive all that God has already prepared.



TW: How can someone contact World Harvest Church to receive information about the church and the revival?


Pastor Hufton: You can contact World Harvest Church by giving us a call at 770-643-9223 or by visiting our website: You can also follow and direct message us on any of our social media platforms: Facebook: WHCGA, Instagram: @worldharvestatl or YouTube: WHCGA.


We’ll be happy to pray with you or answer any question you may have!


Courtesy of World Harvest Church – Roswell, Georgia


Acts 2:2 NKJV — And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.


The revival at World Harvest Church has blessed many in the Roswell- Atlanta metropolitan area. It has also been broadcast online with viewers in Texas, California, and many other states around the country. The healing of America has begun in cities like Roswell, Atlanta, and Tampa. In a time when there is so much turmoil it is a blessing to know that we can come to Jesus and He can give us peace and rest.


Pastors Linda and Mirek Hufton


TopicalWave.Com would like to thank Pastors Mirek and Linda Hufton as well as their terrific hard-working staff for taking the time and giving us an insight on the move of God that is happening at World Harvest Church in Roswell, Georgia.


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